According to Sayyidna ` Abdullah Ibn Masud ؓ ، Surah Tatfif was revealed in Makkah. Therefore, most of the copies of the Qur'an refer to it as the Makki Surah. According to Sayyidna Ibn ` Abbas ؓ ، Qatadah, Muqatil and Dahhak رحمۃ اللہ علیہم ، it is a Madani Surah, but only about eight verses are Makki. Imam Nasa'i (رح) transmits a narrative from Sayyidna Ibn ` Abbas ؓ that when the Holy Prophet ﷺ arrived in Madinah, the people of Madinah whose most transactions were based on measurements used to cheat and short measure. For this reason, Allah revealed the Surah. It is reported from Sayyidna Ibn ` Abbas ؓ that this is the first Surah that was revealed as soon as the Holy Prophet ﷺ arrived at Madinah. The reason is that it was a common practice in Madinah that the people used to be very strict in measuring when they had to receive something from others, but when they sold something, they used to cheat the buyers. After the revelation of this Surah, all of them abandoned this bad custom totally, and mended themselves in a way that they are now well-known in their honesty in weighing and measuring. (Reported by Hakim, Nasa'i, and Ibn Majah, with sound chain of narrators)
وَيْلٌ لِّلْمُطَفِّفِينَ (Woe to the curtailers...83:1) The word mutaffifin 'those who give short measure or weight' is derived from Tatfif 'to give short measure or short weight'. The Qur'anic expression 'Woe to the curtailers' is indicative of the injunction that this practice is prohibited.
Tatjif has a Wider Scope
The Qur'an and Sunnah have prohibited Tatfif which primarily signifies 'giving short measure and weight', because generally all transactions are carried out by things that can be measured or weighed. But the basic purpose of weighing or measuring is none else but to give a person what he deserves. It, therefore, indicates that the rule is not restricted to weights and measures only, but it includes all other means through which the rights of someone are evaluated, assessed or appraised. It is obligatory that all rights are given to the deserving persons in full, whether they are assessed by weight, measure, number or any other means. In terms of this concept of Tatfif, it is prohibited to give to any person less than his due.
It is recorded in Muwatta' of Imam Malik that Sayyidna ` Umar Ibn-ul-Khattab ؓ saw a person curtailing [ cutting short ] his bowing and prostration postures in prayers, he said to him:
لَقَد طَفَّفتَ
'You have committed Tatfif (curtailed the right) of Allah.'
Having cited this statement of Sayyidna ` Umar Ibn-ul-Khattab ؓ ، Imam Malik (رح) formulates the following postulate:
لکلّ شیءٍ
'Everything has a full due and a short measure.'
This postulate can apply even to prayers, ablution, cleanliness and all the rights of Allah and the ways of worship. If someone is deficient in fulfilling these rights of Allah, he is guilty of Tatfif. Similarly if one cuts short human rights [ by failing to perform duties imposed upon him or keeping to the terms of agreement duly ], he is covered by the rule laid down by the verse regarding Tatfif. For example, if an employee has entered into a contract with the employer that he shall work for specified time, it is imperative for him to work for the stipulated hours. If he curtails the hours, he is guilty of Tatiff. Generally, people - even scholars - are lax in this matter. They do not regard curtailment of their obligations relating to service or labour as sin. May Allah protect us from it!
HADITH: Sayyidna ` Abdullah Ibn ` Abbas ؓ has narrated that the Holy Prophet ﷺ has said:
حمس بخمس
'There are five sins, for which there are five punishments.'
[ 1] He who breaks his covenant, Allah will cause his enemy to subdue him.
[ 2] The nation that abandons the sacred laws of Allah, and decides cases according to other laws, poverty will prevail commonly among them.
[ 3] The nation among whom promiscuity and zina (fornication or adultery) becomes rampant, Allah will punish them with epidemics and endemic diseases.
[ 4] Those who curtail measures and weights, Allah will cause famine to break out amongst them. and
[ 5] Those who fail to pay their Zakah, Allah will withhold rain from them.
[ Cited by Qurtubi who said that Al-Bazzar has narrated the over-all sense of this lzadith, though with different words; and Malik Ibn Anas has also narrated it from Ibn ` Umar ؓ ].
Tabarani narrates from Ibn ` Abbas ؓ that the Holy Prophet ﷺ said: "When it becomes rampant in a community to steal from the spoils of war, Allah will cast terror of enemies into their hearts; when usury becomes a common practice in a community, death becomes a frequent occurrence in that society; a community that gives short measure and weight, Allah cuts off their sustenance; those who decide against the truth, murder becomes common among them; and those who betray their agreement, Allah causes their enemies to prevail upon them." [ Malik has also transmitted it, but as a saying of Ibn ` Abbas ؓ . See Mazhari ].
Various Forms of Poverty, Famine and Curtailment of Sustenance
The Hadith (cited above) states that people's 'sustenance' may be Cut Off as a punishment to short measuring: This can take different forms. They may be completely deprived of their sustenance; or sustenance may be available, but they may not be able to eat or use it, as it commonly happens nowadays in the case of many diseases. Likewise, 'famine' might take different forms: Items of necessity might be lacking; or they might be available abundantly, but it might be difficult to purchase them, because the prices are unbearably exorbitant, as is experienced nowadays. The Hadith says that in certain situations faqr will prevail in the society. Faqr is generally translated as 'poverty', but its real meaning in Arabic is 'being in need' or 'being dependent on someone'. Keeping this meaning in view, the situation of faqr pointed out in the Hadith is not confined to lack of money and other necessary things, but it also includes a situation where people depend on others in their business and other necessities of life. The more a person is in need of others, the greater is his degree of faqr. Let us consider the conditions of the present age. Man is bound by the most complicated laws that restrict his living, his movement and his intentions, so that he is unable to eat what he wants to eat, or utter what he wants to utter. He possesses money, but he is not free to buy of his choice from where he wants to. He is not free to undertake a journey [ or to travel ] as and when he wants to. He is bound so much by these restrictive laws that he has no choice but to follow the official procedure for which he has to flatter the officials [ at every level ] including the peons. Without this, life is difficult. This entire system of dependence on others is a part of faqr. This elaborate explanation should dispel the doubts that might apparently arise regarding the statement of the Hadith.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
An-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah both recorded from Ibn `Abbas that he said, "When the Prophet came to Al-Madinah, the people of Al-Madinah were the most terrible people in giving measurement (i.e., they used to cheat). Thus, Allah revealed,
(Woe to Al-Mutaffifin.) After this, they began to give good measure." The meaning of the word Tatfif here is to be stingy with measurement and weight, either by increasing it if it is due from the others, or decreasing it if it is a debt. Thus, Allah explains that the Mutaffifin those whom He has promised loss and destruction, whom are meant by "Woe" are
(Those who, when they have to receive by measure from men,) meaning, from among the people.
(demand full measure,) meaning, they take their right by demanding full measure and extra as well.
(And when they have to give by measure or weight to (other) men, give less than due.) meaning, they decrease. Verily, Allah commanded that the measure and weight should be given in full. He says in another Ayah,
(And give full measure when you measure, and weigh with a balance that is straight. That is good and better in the end.) (17:35) Allah also says,
(And give full measure and full weight with justice. We burden not any person, but with that which he can bear.) (6:152) and He says,
(And observe the weight with equity and do not make the balance deficient.) (55:9) Allah destroyed the people of Shu`ayb and wiped them out because of their cheating in weights and measurements. ning, they take their right by demanding full measure and extra as well.
(And when they have to give by measure or weight to (other) men, give less than due.) meaning, they decrease. Verily, Allah commanded that the measure and weight should be given in full. He says in another Ayah,
(And give full measure when you measure, and weigh with a balance that is straight. That is good and better in the end.) (17:35) Allah also says,
(And give full measure and full weight with justice. We burden not any person, but with that which he can bear.) (6:152) and He says,
(And observe the weight with equity and do not make the balance deficient.) (55:9) Allah destroyed the people of Shu`ayb and wiped them out because of their cheating in weights and measurements. be able to bare. Imam Malik reported from Nafi` who reported from Ibn `Umar that the Prophet said,
(This will be the Day that mankind will stand before the Lord of all that exists, until one of them will sink up to the middle of his ears in sweat.) Al-Bukhari recorded this Hadith from Malik and `Abdullah bin `Awn, both of whom reported it from Nafi`. Muslim also recorded it from two routes. Another Hadith: Hadith;uA ? give less than due.) meaning, they decrease. Verily, Allah commanded that the measure and weight should be given in full. He says in another Ayah,
(And give full measure when you measure, and weigh with a balance that is straight. That is good and better in the end.) (17:35) Allah also says,
(And give full measure and full weight with justice. We burden not any person, but with that which he can bear.) (6:152) and He says,
(And observe the weight with equity and do not make the balance deficient.) (55:9) Allah destroyed the people of Shu`ayb and wiped them out because of their cheating in weights and measurements.
Then Allah says as a threat to them,
(Do they not think that they will be resurrected, on a Great Day) meaning, do these people not fear the resurrection and standing before He Who knows the hidden matters and the innermost secrets, on a Day that contains great horror and tremendous fright Whoever loses on this Day will be made to enter into a blazing fire. Then Allah says,
(The Day when (all) mankind will stand before the Lord of all that exists) meaning, they will stand barefooted, naked and uncircumcised at a station that will be difficult, hard, and distressful for the criminals. They will be covered by the command from Allah, and it will be that, which the strength and the senses will not be able to bare. Imam Malik reported from Nafi` who reported from Ibn `Umar that the Prophet said,
(This will be the Day that mankind will stand before the Lord of all that exists, until one of them will sink up to the middle of his ears in sweat.) Al-Bukhari recorded this Hadith from Malik and `Abdullah bin `Awn, both of whom reported it from Nafi`. Muslim also recorded it from two routes. Another Hadith: Hadit u ?? ? u A ? Threatening the Mutaffifin with standing before the Lord of all that exists Then Allah says as a threat to them,
(Do they not think that they will be resurrected, on a Great Day) meaning, do these people not fear the resurrection and standing before He Who knows the hidden matters and the innermost secrets, on a Day that contains great horror and tremendous fright Whoever loses on this Day will be made to enter into a blazing fire. Then Allah says,
(The Day when (all) mankind will stand before the Lord of all that exists) meaning, they will stand barefooted, naked and uncircumcised at a station that will be difficult, hard, and distressful for the criminals. They will be covered by the command from Allah, and it will be that, which the strength and the senses will not be able to bare. Imam Malik reported from Nafi` who reported from Ibn `Umar that the Prophet said,
(This will be the Day that mankind will stand before the Lord of all that exists, until one of them will sink up to the middle of his ears in sweat.) Al-Bukhari recorded this Hadith from Malik and `Abdullah bin `Awn, both of whom reported it from Nafi`. Muslim also recorded it from two routes. Another Hadith: Imam Ahmad recorded from Al-Miqdad, who was Ibn Al-Aswad Al-Kindi, that he heard the Messenger of Allah saying,
(On the Day of Judgement, the sun will draw near the servants until it is a mile or two away from them. Then the sun will burn them, and they will be submersed in sweat based upon the amount of their deeds. From among them there will be those whose sweat will come up to their two heels. From among them there will be those whose sweat will come up to their two knees. From among them there will be those whose sweat will come up to their groins. From among them there will be those who will be bridled in sweat (up to their necks).) This Hadith was recorded by Muslim and At-Tirmidhi. In Sunan Abu Dawud it is recorded that the Messenger of Allah used to seek refuge with Allah from the hardship of standing on the Day of Judgement. It has been reported from Ibn Mas`ud that they will be standing for forty years with their heads raised toward the sky. No one will speak to them, and the righteous and wicked among them will all be bridled in sweat. It has been reported from Ibn `Umar that they will be standing for one hundred years. Both of these statements have been recorded by Ibn Jarir. In the Sunans of Abu Dawud, An-Nasa'i, and Ibn Majah, it is recorded from `A'ishah that the Messenger of Allah used to begin his late night prayer by declaring Allah's greatness ten times, praising Allah ten times, glorifying Allah ten times, and seeking Allah's forgiveness ten times. Then he would say,
(O Allah! Forgive me, guide me, provide for me, and protect me.) Then he would seek refuge from the hardship of the standing on the Day of Judgement.