Surah An-Naazi'aat: Verse 5 - فالمدبرات أمرا... - English

Tafsir of Verse 5, Surah An-Naazi'aat

فَٱلْمُدَبِّرَٰتِ أَمْرًا

English Translation

And those who arrange [each] matter,

English Transliteration

Faalmudabbirati amran

Tafsir of Verse 5

by those that direct an affair!

Then arrange to do (the Commands of their Lord),

The fifth quality of the angels:

فَالْمُدَبِّرَ‌اتِ أَمْرً‌ا (then manage [ to do ] everything [ they are ordered to do,]...79:5). In other words, the last task of these angels of death will be as follows: Those who are commanded to reward and comfort the deserving souls, will gather means of reward and comfort for them; and those who are commanded to punish and cause pain to [ the evil souls ] will organize means for that.

Reward and Punishment in the Grave

The Surah thus far confirms that at the time of death, the angels will arrive and extract human souls. Then they will take them to the sky and swiftly transport them to their abodes, the good souls to the good abode and the bad souls to the bad one. There they will organise means of reward or punishment and pain or comfort for them. The verses show that the reward and punishment will take place in the grave or barzakh. Thereafter the reward and punishment will be meted out on the Day of Judgment. Authentic Traditions give elaborate details of this. There is a lengthy Tradition of Sayyidna Bard' Ibn ` Azib cited in Mishkat-ul-Masabih with reference to Musnad of Ahmad.

Nafs [ Self ] Ruh [ Spirit - Soul ]: Qadi Thana'ullah's Research and Analysis

The readers are referred to a special research and analysis by the Baihaqi of his time, Qadi Thana'ullah Panipati, that was presented in this book under verse [ 29] of Surah Hijr. Here the learned commentator has added some more details which dispose of many doubts which arise from the above Tradition: The human soul is a refined body which permeates the dense material body. The [ ancient ] doctors and philosophers called it as ruh or soul. But the real spirit is an abstract substance and a subtle divine creature connected in a special way with this physical soul or nafs, the life of which is dependent on the Divine Spirit. The pure, abstract and non-material spirit is the life of the first soul on which depends the life of the body, and therefore it is called the 'soul of soul'. The real nature of the connection between these two kinds of soul is not known to anyone. It is known to Allah alone. Perhaps an illustration would clarify the matter. If we were to hold a mirror against the sun, then, despite that the sun is 149.6 million kilometers away from the earth, its reflection comes into the mirror. And because of the light, that too starts glowing like the sun. The same thing applies to the human soul. If it exerts itself in spiritual struggle and ascetic discipline in keeping with the teachings of [ Divine ] revelation, he will be enlightened. Otherwise he would be polluted with the bad effects of the physical body. This is the refined bodily soul that the angels transport to the heaven and transport him back with honours if he is enlightened. Otherwise the doors of the heaven are not opened for him and is thrown down from top. This is the refined bodily soul, the Tradition notes, which Allah created from dust and to it He will return him and from it. He resurrect him. It is this refined bodily soul that gets enlightened and becomes fragrant. But the same body can stink because of [ the filth on disbelief and idolatrous practices. The 'abstract spirit' is connected with the dense body through the refined bodily soul. The abstract spirit never dies. The reward or punishment of grave is experienced by the refined bodily soul which keeps connected with the grave whereas the abstract spirit remains in ` illiyyun, and it feels the effects of reward and punishment indirectly. Thus the statement that 'the soul is in the grave' is true in the sense that 'soul' in this context refers to the bodily soul. The statement that 'the soul is in ` Alam-ul-arwah or ` illiyyun' is also true, because the 'soul' in this context refers to ruh mujarrad or 'abstract spirit'. Thus it is possible to reconcile the apparently conflicting statements.

فَإِذَا هُم بِالسَّاهِرَ‌ةِ (and in no time they will be [ brought ] in the plain [ of hashr ]...79:14). The word sahirah refers to 'the surface of the earth'. When the earth will be re-created at Resurrection, it will be a completely level surface. There will be no mountain barriers, no buildings or caves. This is referred to as 'sahirah'.

The Holy Prophet ﷺ used to be hurt by the stubbornness of the obdurate rejecters of Resurrection. The next verses recount the story of Musa (علیہ السلام) and Fir'aun to console him, and to show that the adverse attitude of the pagans is not confined to him. The previous prophets have also faced similar situations, but they endured them with patience. The Holy Prophet ﷺ too should exercise patience and fortitude.

Verse 5 - Surah An-Naazi'aat: (فالمدبرات أمرا...) - English