Surah Saad: Verse 15 - وما ينظر هؤلاء إلا صيحة... - English

Tafsir of Verse 15, Surah Saad

وَمَا يَنظُرُ هَٰٓؤُلَآءِ إِلَّا صَيْحَةً وَٰحِدَةً مَّا لَهَا مِن فَوَاقٍ

English Translation

And these [disbelievers] await not but one blast [of the Horn]; for it there will be no delay.

English Transliteration

Wama yanthuru haolai illa sayhatan wahidatan ma laha min fawaqin

Tafsir of Verse 15

These are only awaiting for a single Cry, to which there is no delay.

These (today) only wait for a single mighty Blast, which (when it comes) will brook no delay.

The word: فَوَاقُ (fawaq) in verse 15: مَّا لَهَا مِن فَوَاقٍ (that will have no pause.) is used in Arabic to convey several meanings. To begin with, 'fawaq' is the period of time that intervenes between milking an animal and creation of milk in its teats once again. Then, it also means 'comfort.' Whatever the case, the sense is that the Horn صُور (Sur) blown by Sayyidna Israfil (علیہ السلام) would be so continuous that there will be no pause in it. (Qurtubi)

Verse 15 - Surah Saad: (وما ينظر هؤلاء إلا صيحة واحدة ما لها من فواق...) - English