Surah Al-Muddaththir: Verse 7 - ولربك فاصبر... - English

Tafsir of Verse 7, Surah Al-Muddaththir

وَلِرَبِّكَ فَٱصْبِرْ

English Translation

But for your Lord be patient.

English Transliteration

Walirabbika faisbir

Tafsir of Verse 7

and be patient unto thy Lord.

But, for thy Lord's (Cause), be patient and constant!

Injunction [ 6]

وَلِرَبِّكَ فَاصْبِرْ ( and for the sake of your Lord, observe patience 74:7) The word sabr literally signifies 'to restrain oneself. In the Qur'anic context, the word has a very wide scope. It signifies to bind oneself to the laws of Allah, to restrain oneself from things made unlawful by Allah, and to control oneself, as far as possible, from unnecessary bewailing and complaining in times of difficulties and hardships. Thus this injunction is rather comprehensive which embraces almost the entire religion. On this occasion, the Holy Prophet is directed to observe patience, particularly because the earlier verses have directed him to invite the people towards the true faith and to avoid the infidelity and shirk. It is obvious that he will be opposed and persecuted by the forces of evil, as the result of his missionary efforts. He should, therefore, be ready to bear all opposition and persecution with patience and fortitude.

Having given these few injunctions to the Holy Prophet, the verses further refer to the Hereafter and its horrors. The word naqur means 'trumpet' and the verb nuqira means 'to blow into the trumpet so that it makes a loud high sound'. After stating that the Day of Doom will be very horrible for all the infidels, a particular arrogant and conceited disbeliever has been described. He was a great mischief-maker and the gravity of his punishment will befit the enormity and gravity of his sins.

Verse 7 - Surah Al-Muddaththir: (ولربك فاصبر...) - English