Surah An-Najm: Verse 9 - فكان قاب قوسين أو أدنى... - English

Tafsir of Verse 9, Surah An-Najm

فَكَانَ قَابَ قَوْسَيْنِ أَوْ أَدْنَىٰ

English Translation

And was at a distance of two bow lengths or nearer.

English Transliteration

Fakana qaba qawsayni aw adna

Tafsir of Verse 9

two bows' length away, or nearer,

And was at a distance of but two bow-lengths or (even) nearer;

فَكَانَ قَابَ قَوْسَيْنِ أَوْ أَدْنَىٰ (so as he was at a distance between two bows (joined together), rather even nearer....53:9). The noun qab refers to the distance between the curved handle of a bow and the tight chord that releases arrows. This distance is estimated about the length of one hand. The expression qaba qawsain is based on an ancient Arab custom, according to which when two persons pledged themselves to firm friendship, each one of them would turn the wooden part of their bows towards themselves, but they would turn the chord part towards the other. In this way when the chords of their bows were joined together, this used to be regarded as the proclamation of proximity, love and affection at the time of which the distance between the two persons would be two bows' length - approximately the length of two arms or one cubit. The expression aw adna ('rather even nearer' ) signifies that the relationship of closeness was no ordinary one, it in fact was more intimate than could be conceived. The reason for the mention of such intimacy with Jibra'il (علیہ السلام) in the above verses is to confirm that the revelation which he delivered is indubitably and truly from Allah, and he heard it with absolute accuracy in every detail: There is no room for any doubt in this. This closeness and intimacy further allays the suspicion that the Holy Prophet ﷺ might have not recognized Jibra'il (علیہ السلام) and that the devil might interfere.

Verse 9 - Surah An-Najm: (فكان قاب قوسين أو أدنى...) - English